Have you ever shown up for a flight, only to find out there’s no seat for you? This can happen when airlines sell more tickets than there are seats on the plane, a practice known as overbooking. It’s frustrating, but the good news is you might be entitled to compensation. Here’s what you need to know.
Airlines overbook to make sure flights are as full as possible. They count on some passengers not showing up. Most of the time, this works out. But sometimes, everyone shows up, and there aren’t enough seats for all.
If there are too many passengers and not enough seats, the airline will first ask for volunteers to take a later flight. They usually offer travel vouchers or cash as a thank you. If not enough people volunteer, some passengers might be bumped off the flight against their will. This is when you could get compensation.
In the UK and the EU, if you’re bumped from a flight due to overbooking, you have specific rights under EU Regulation EC 261/2004. This includes flights leaving from an EU or UK airport and flights arriving in the EU or UK with an EU or UK airline.
The amount of compensation depends on how far you’re travelling and how long the delay gets you to your final destination. It can range from €250 (about £220) for shorter flights to €600 (about £530) for longer ones.
Besides cash compensation, you’re also entitled to care from the airline if you have to wait for a later flight. This means they should offer you meals, refreshments, and accommodation if needed. Plus, they should cover the cost of getting you to and from the hotel.
Keep Your Documents: Save your boarding pass and any other travel documents.
Ask Why You Were Bumped: This can help your case.
File a Claim: Contact the airline to claim your compensation. Be clear about what happened and what you’re asking for.
Seek Help if Needed: If the airline doesn’t respond or you’re not happy with their offer, you might want to get professional help. Here is where we come in, use our handy free calculator to see if you could be entitled to compensation for overbooked flight and we can take it from there.
When your flight is overbooked, airlines might try to smooth things over by offering you some perks. But be careful, accepting these offers could mean you lose out on the chance to get more money back for the hassle.
Here’s what you should do if your flight is too full:
Check-in Early: Airlines sometimes bump passengers who check in last.
Pick Your Seat in Advance: If you can, choose your seat when you book your ticket.
Join the Airline’s Frequent Flyer Programme: Loyalty can sometimes protect you from being bumped.
Being bumped from a flight because of overbooking is a pain, but knowing your rights can make the situation a bit easier to handle. Remember, you’re entitled to compensation and care, so don’t be shy about asking for what you’re owed.