• By: harish
  • Last updated on : 9 January 2025

When travelling abroad, it’s reassuring to know that your insurance policy will usually cover the costs if you encounter any medical issues or emergencies.

It’s usually wise to shop around and compare various insurance providers, and many people turn to the internet for help with their research.

When searching for “best travel insurance providers,” you might find an article from The Times*, a well-known UK news site. This article highlights the benefits of getting travel insurance coverage and provides a list of various policy providers and links to the companies’ websites. We’ve reviewed a few of these websites for our research.

Many insurance policies offer ‘bolt-ons’ or enhancements to cover other eventualities you may encounter while away from home. These enhancements can cover personal belongings such as lost luggage, phones & gadgets, passports, wallets, and purses.

Some insurance providers claim to cover you for flight delays and cancellations. However, it’s only when you read the policy schedule and exclusions in detail that you get a clearer understanding of what exactly you are covered for.

In fact, many insurance companies go to great lengths to promote their ‘bolt-ons’ to make their policies seem attractive and value for money. Some companies highlight that you are covered for flight delays and cancellations, but fail to clearly specify the policy exclusions. Instead, they bury these exclusions deep within the policy terms and conditions. When buying a travel insurance policy, very few of us bother to read the policy documentation fully before purchasing.

So, it really is ‘buyer beware.’ It’s advised that you fully read the policy documentation and exclusions before buying to ensure that you understand what you are covered for and that the policy meets your needs.

In a few of the example websites we researched and compared, specifically for flight disruption cover, the policy documentation revealed that you are unlikely to be covered unless your flight is delayed for more than 12 hours. To make a claim, the onus is on you to obtain written evidence from the airline concerning the exact nature of the delay to support your claim.

So, is this the level of policy coverage one expects when companies promote that delays and cancellations are covered? Arguably, the company is correct that the policy may cover you, but the true extent of the cover can be less attractive once you read the policy documentation.

As far as flight delays and cancellations for UK and European travellers making journeys to and from the UK or the European Union, some laws protect your rights and the circumstances of how you can gain compensation. You can read about your rights and how to claim them by reviewing our FAQs section.

Maybe people should be less focused on the ‘bolt-ons’ and more on the main reason for taking out a policy, which is usually to cover unforeseen medical emergencies.

In any case, it is recommended that you shop around to find a travel policy that meets your needs and fully review the policy documentation so that you understand the cover and the exclusions attached to it before making a purchase.


*Source: The Times https://www.thetimes.com/money-mentor/insurance/travel-insurance/best-travel-insurance-providers